Sunday, April 1, 2012

Just a Hop, Skip and a Jump!

All through history there is evidence that we must have answers. Of course, there is so much we don't understand or know. Just gaze into the evening sky and explain it! In our quest for knowledge then we have often turned to hypothesis, some with strong roots in reality, others a bit shaky!  Others turn to faith for their explanation. 

One question this octogenarian finds interesting is the whole notion of body-spirit. I know philosophers have been discussing this fascinating question as far back in time when the great classical Greek scholar Plato penned his thoughts. Certainly the Bible has a lot to say, as do many religions in today's world. They put forth the notion that, although together they are one, they are also separate, or at least they separate when we die. We even use this concept in our language. For example, we say someone ex-pired i.e. breathed out their spirit just as they breathed it in at the moment of birth. I suppose the modern way of mitigating the notion of death is to say the individual 'passed on', a very interesting expression?

I don't think it is uncommon for an octogenarian to be thinking of death more frequently that others. As I lay waiting to go to sleep at night I try to remember exactly the precise moment I dozed off! But I can't  grab on to that moment. I am relaxing prior to sleep and then it's the next morning, or at least the first time I have to make that trek down the hall! Is that what death will be like - except for the bathroom part of course!

I truly believe that humans have a spirit. We talk about team spirit, something the Toronto Maple Leafs seem to lack!  I like to think most people have spirit or, if you will, a spiritual nature. To me, each and everyone of us is a mystery of sorts. It is difficult to really know yourself let alone others, and that alone suggests mystery to me.
I like the notion of spirit, or soul as some call it, but I also like to think of the relationship between my body and my brain. This is where the spirit is generated. When I was a young man my body took orders from the brain.  I could choose to ski, play hockey or hop, skip and jump and the body obeyed. Now things have turned around. The body has grabbed control and the poor brain has to buckle under! I still would like to hop, skip and jump, but the body says "no way". I would still like to go through the day with no aches and pains, but the body says not you buddy. I find myself at a point of transition, gearing down as it were, and these changes have a profound effect on my behaviour and personal freedom.

Morning Run
Nature is wonderful. I don't resent what is happening to me. Naturally I am not going to give in, at least at this point in time, but I do respect the natural process and take pleasure in the joy of discovering my new and emerging spirit. No doubt the body is backing (no pun intended) down, but the spirit is alive and well. The body and brain are still working together to create a different, but hopefully a new dynamic spirit/soul, as they move into a new relationship.

To me this is the real meaning of the 'separation' of body and soul. It's not an hypothesis or a theory rather my basic experience of just getting old.

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week

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