Monday, November 12, 2012

Remembrance Day Reminders

When anyone sets out to do a blog they should realize it is necessary to be consistent , or at least regular. I have been neglecting my blog for a number of reasons, or should I say I have a number of excuses! We were away for two weeks enjoying the sun and surf in South Carolina. We just made it home prior to hurricane Sandy and the havoc and destruction she caused along the Atlantic seaboard. When I  arrived back in Toronto I had to immediately prepare our sailboat for haul out, and then shrink-wrap it (cover it with plastic that is then heated with a propane "gun") to protect it from the ice and the cold winter. At the end of each day this octogenarian was ready for a stiff drink and a hot shower!

Today I have no reason to procrastinate. As I type, I can hear the TV in the next room and the prayers,  hymns and the thunder of the 21 cannon salute. We are being called to remember those brave men and women who have died fighting in wars since 1914. My Uncle Tom died near the end of WWI and lies buried in Europe. A number of close friends and relatives also gave up their lives during WWII and a nephew recently returned from Afghanistan. I, like many Canadians, are most thankful  for their sacrifice.

Semi-official Emblem 1939-1941
Yet somehow I am bothered by it all as well. More than soldiers died in these wars, there were thousands and thousands of innocent men and women killed as well. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki there were up to 246,000 husbands, wives and children destroyed. In the Battle of the Somme, there were over one million British casualties. To this day that is the highest casualty list in British military history. Why is it not important to remember these innocent people who were led to their deaths by propaganda and their trusted leaders?

The League of Nations emerged from the Paris Peace Conference. It's job was to prevent wars by settling disputes through negotiation and arbitration. It lasted only 27 years and was replaced by the United Nations. But we should not be surprised that there are still wars on our little planet. Disputes are a part of living together! The frontier west settled differences with their six shooters! We have made some progress there! But that's about it!

Or are you a coward???
And that brings me to the nub of the problem. Hatred is still nourished in our society; people who care about others are often derided with the label 'do-gooders' or 'flaming' liberals; in sports winning is everything (Is there something wrong with playing sports just to have a good time and stay in shape?); admitting one is wrong is verboten; saying 'I am sorry' is a sign of weakness; we are not told the truth by our leaders because 'there is no need to know' or 'it's a state secret'; false advertising seems to be the norm; saving face is the same as 'my brother made me do it' - you get the picture. No wonder we end up settling international disputes with the slaughter of thousands of innocent people!

I know - I just don't get it!

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week"  


  1. I always struggle with what Remembrance Day stands for. I will not wear a poppy. But then I walk by a veteran selling some and donate and take because I feel sympathetic towards him (not the cause). Soldiers volunteer themselves to join. There are risks involved and they know it. Why are they declared heroes if they're killed? Hhmm, I stuggle with that.

    The other day I say a bumper sticker. It was the famous ribbon that we see on the back of vehicles highlighting different causes. In lieu of the traditional crossed ribbon, it was a ribbon in the shape of a question mark with the caption "Question War". And that is exactly how I feel. I question the "why" are there wars in this day and age.

  2. How to change our world, hopefully for the better, is a daunting task. Most explanations of myth and religion don't prove satisfactory. AsI see it, it begins with you havingthe ability to think, to think independently while fortifying in whatever way the dignity of man.


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