Monday, February 20, 2012

Planning One's Life - Truth or Fiction?

Now don't get me wrong. I am in favour  of making plans and organizing things in my life well in advance. Even to this day I like to plan ahead and not be caught at the last minute unprepared. Indeed, when in university I started working on my final thesis the first day of class. On the day before a  final exam I would go to a movie, having prepared myself long before the last minute. I guess you could say I am not a procrastinator!

As an octogenarian looking back over my life I realize so many of things I did, or did not do, were not necessarily encapsulated in some life plan. Indeed, some decisions of my life were often major or minor adjustments to changing circumstances. If some planning is not accomplished then the individual is liable to feel adrift and out of control. But any planning engaged in must include one's ability to adjust to ever changing circumstance.

On the one hand there is the long-term vision which can be a strong motivator, "What do you want to a be when you grow up?" I was asked by my parents. Then there is the short-term motivation that builds self-confidence, a kind of a self directed life plan. But we all know how well people keep their New Year's Resolutions! Or at least I know how well I have kept mine! I don't bother anymore - except to resolve to stay alive. On the other hand, we all know the value of a "To-Do List".

Years ago, after working in the United States, I returned to Canada. I did not have a lot of savings so I had to find a job real quick. I got a part-time job operating an address machine for one company while scanning the papers for a new opportunity. The very first day at work I misspelled Yonge Street - well I was new to Toronto! To be honest I knew I had a good education, but was not certain as to just what kind of a job I was looking for. So I did what so many others were doing - I decided to do the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. That, plus a few other tests (interests, preferences, values etc) and the help of a councillor, I finally was able adjust my telescope on some definite areas of interest. Then I went back to the newspaper ads and eventually found a job. I hated to leave it when forced at 65 years of age! 

Planning, especially life's hopes and dreams, is a privilege and benefit of living in such a society as ours. There are many people in the world who will never have that right or privilege. It is very important to have plans, both short-term and long-term but at the same time be open and ready for new ideas, opportunities and the strength to steer off course if it leads to a happier life.

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week.

1 comment:

  1. so.... what is your Myers-Briggs (ESTP?)? I had mine done 3 x in the course of my life and although I have changed over the years, the Myers-Briggs actually remained the same. I figure I just manifest my personality a bit differently with the passage of time. (INFP)


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