Thursday, April 14, 2011

In the Last Analysis - Who is Really the Boss?

For a recreational boater in Ontario the month of April is really a busy month. The boat has to be prepared for another summer. That means painting the bottom, tuning the motor, waxing the hull and making any minor repairs that were put off last fall.

April is also Income Tax time as well as preparing our two condo balconies for the warm weather. Most of all it is watching the grass turn green and the trees come back to life and, in unison with this marvel of nature, to refill our own souls with hope and wonder. Spring has always been the celebration of new life and a time to realize how fortunate we are to live in this changing climate and magnificent country.

Returning to the thought that we live here and now in this world and this multiverse (at least most of us do most of the time!) a static existence is impossible. God knows many people try just that and then wonder why they are bored all the time. Whether we see it or not, nothing remains the same. Everything, every moment is new, every day, every encounter, every experience, no matter how much it may resemble what we experienced in the past.

In Dick's View then there are two ways to live in this fluid reality. First, we can attempt to separate ourselves from the constant evolutionary nature of our existence, and try to find comfort, cut-off from the stress that constant change demands, or second, we can recognize the transitory and limited nature of our existence, and with new awareness, embrace it for the challenge it offers - a release from routine, drudgery, and boredom. Of course the first method will never work! That is not to say it is not good to slow things down now and again and take stock. But any attempt to live some kind of a stand-still-world for any extended length of time, is very unhealthy, provided of course, that you agree a mentally healthy mind is one that is in contact with reality!

So there is no time in Canada like the spring, a time to reconnect with nature, to open ourselves to the miracles unfolding before our eyes, to stop and smell the daisies and to realize it is not something just out there, it is what we are as well.

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week

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