Having played most of these games as a young man, I don't have a problem with that. In high-school for example, I played English Rugby where there is tackling below the hips only, lots of shoving and pushing in the scrum, not to mention the odd fist. To make matters worse, all of this without any protection equipment. Hockey was my favourite sport and I played in many different leagues up until I was in my late 50's. I loved every minute of it. I don't have a problem with the combative nature of a sport since it is a personal choice to participate. The problem is those players who intentionally attempt to injure another player. I have even seen where some forms of violence are not only encouraged but taught by the coach. Playing junior hockey, I was instructed on how to check an opposing player in the zone between the two blue lines, once forbidden by the rules, in such a way that it would appear accidental. Or how about sniffing oxygen from under the bench! Playing "outside the rules" can be encouraged by those who market the sport as well. I believe much of the violence in hockey today (Why knock Sid the Kid out of the game? He is the chicken who lays the Golden Egg!) exists because many Americans believe that is the way to boost fan attendance. As a result so much of the beauty of the game, the skating, the team work, the stick handling, and even the choreography has disappeared. Each male game looks like a rough version of shinny played to excite the testosterone of the male spectators.
There is so much violence around today. The on-going wars, so many video games, movies, terrorism, to name a few, somehow make us immune. They say, whoever 'they' are, that TV does not promote violence or make people callous. The same 'they' say violence is a reflection of our society values. And there lies the rub! I am a member of that society and find it difficult to understand that down deep inside, I too enjoy a violent movie or sport spectacular, just like everyone else.

At least that Dick's View of the World for now.
Look at you go! Pictures. Labels. Jim's nephew suffered a concussion on Saturday. Some kid from the opposing team skated up to him and elbowed him in the face. It makes one wonder why this is encouraged and is allowed to take place. The incident was captured by a parent on an iPhone. I hope that this piece of video can be used in a positive way to teach the brute.