I admit as of this moment I am not sure just how a Blog works and I am not sure that I am actually putting stuff together. That being said, before you read any further, let's be clear from the beginning that I am not offering any professional advice here on how you can live a happy and long life. The psychology section in your local book store, or your iPad or Kindle, will have 'shelves' on professional advice about anything you want to know or learn. Rather, my intention is to share with you some views and observations of a senior citizen, leaving you free to agree or disagree, knowing that if your experience is different it will, nevertheless, be enriched by comparision.
In some cultures people turn to the older members of the community for wisdom and guidance. In our culture, the experience of the senior tribal members has been usurped by the printed word, in whatever form, and by the speed information is made available.
However, as a senior citizen I do hope some value can still be attributed to the life-long of those of us who have lived, and survived, for over four score years.
I love your wisdom and age and grace.