Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sorry! Didn't Know the Gun was Loaded

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Now this has to be an embarrassing story. As a small child our family went for a week-end to a cousin's cottage at Pointe-du -Chene on Shediac Bay in New Brunswick. I was assigned a little cot near the back of the cottage and I never thought to locate the loo prior to going to bed. However, I learned later there was no indoor bathroom, only an outside two-holer.  When I woke up late that night with an urgent need, I set out to find the toilet. With no electricity, it was pitch black both outside and inside the cabin.  I wandered around, hands outstretched in front of me, searching for the elusive toilet bowel. Finally, I discovered what I thought must be my desired goal. It was low to the floor, circular in shape and cold to the touch. Perfect. I immediately performed my duty and found my way back to my humble cot. 

When I woke the next morning I heard Uncle John saying he had difficulty getting the small stove started for breakfast. Apparently, he could not figure out how the paper and kindling got so wet!  

Now we all make mistakes from time to time and we also use bad judgement based on lack of information. Of course, what comes to mind immediately is the way our Canadian Senators have been spending our hard earned money for personal gain! "Everyone is doing' it, jive, jive...".And this week I was shocked to learn my favourite news person on CBC was fired. His reason, he didn't know the gun was loaded! Being a fan of his program, I felt as if I had lost a friend.

When people do something wrong I am inclined to think they already know, or are suspicious, that they might be stepping over the line. So probably at that moment they are formulating an excuse, hoping they will never need it! Remember the old grade school excuse, "The dog ate my homework". How about the college student who suffered the loss of his grandfather seven times in one semester! They were told 'Family Emergency' is a much safer excuse! Of course not only students cheat now and again, but workers are known to stretch and bend the rules as well. Cheating in marriage has become very dangerous as DNA testing might reveal some unexpected results! Sometimes we think excuses will justify our actions and make life easier. It often does not turn out that way as many know.

Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "He who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else."
"It's Not my Fault"

So if Uncle John was still around today I would fess up. Today I would have the courage to say to him, "Uncle John, it was me who pissed into your stove ----- BUT, it was not my fault, nobody told me where to go."" Wow, I sure feel redeemed.

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week

Note: I will be out of contact for the next week.

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