Sunday, May 24, 2015

Homo Sapiens - Who Me ?

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Using the Latin words home sapiens (wise man) to identify ourselves in the animal kingdomseems a bit outdated these days.  Both 'homo' and 'sapiens' have outlived their  exclusive meanings. It might make more sense to abandon it and simply use 'humankind'. But as long as everyone, boys, girls, the wise and naive, accept the inclusiveness of the phrase, it will probably remain. It was first coined in 1758 but our species, as best we can tell from the study of fossils, behaviour, genetics and  biology, our place in the animal kingdom is about 200,000 years old. What is supposed to distinguish us from other animals is the size of our brain!

When the visitors from another universe arrive, if they are not already here examining us, they might wonder why we have such a big brain? The evidence of its use is not always universally apparent!

As an octogenarian I grew up in a society that was very different from today. I realize that, according to statistics, I am now living beyond the current life expectancy for males!  The  numerical data indicates that I am no longer here! I have to wonder then is it now more precarious and dangerous for me to occupy this new and available space? It is obvious that, with the nudge of new technologies,   evolution is still alive and well, and I am on the cutting edge when it comes to life expectancy!

They often say life was simpler many  years ago! For me it was plain and simple because  the cultural climate embodied everything I needed to survive. I depended on others, to support me and show me the way! Now I stand out on the end of the diving board, as it were, and wonder what was it all about? Eighty-six years of a 200,000 year life span is not very much time! So why is life so short? Of course most of the time we act as if it will be a long journey. Indeed, it would be considered morbid to think otherwise. But the reality is life is finite and then what? 

My mother always told me to wear clean underwear in case I got into an accident and had to go to the hospital. I knew death was not something reserved for old people. My best friend, and next door neighbour, died mysteriously at the age of 16 yrs. So we were taught to always be ready and know our options: First, be good and move on to heaven; Second, die with pardonable offences and end up in Purgatory to get cleaned up; or Third, die without repentance and go to Hell. So, as the Boy Scout's motto says: "Be Prepared" and all will proceed as it should. Of course there were only two known events that I, as a growing boy, had to avoid to stay out of Hell - don't kill anyone and never masturbate! The road ahead was very clear and my destiny was in my own hand so to speak!

So if the truth be told there is no fountain of youth. However, what there is, not only for me but for everyone, is each and every day. Each day is mine and mine alone and I am free to do with it what I want. I no longer have to get up at a certain time and join the long lines of traffic, anxious that I will be late for a meeting. I don't have work to bring home nor do I worry about losing my job. I don't have to plan months ahead for a couple of weeks of vacation. I don't have to worry about my "reputation" and I can dress the way I wish or even take a little nap any afternoon if I feel like it!

In our society freedom has always been the carrot hanging on the end of the stick. Even as children we dreamed about freedom. Advertising is often pushing the notion of freedom, especially as you get older. FREEDOM 55; freedom fighters; religious freedom and sail boats called FREEDOM 40's! But not matter what age, we are not fully free as we have responsibilities to oneself and to those we love. If the truth be told freedom, like happiness comes from within. Nevertheless, old age ushers in a new sense of freedom and the ability to live each day as one pleases. It is a great time to be alive and well.

"There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk" Sartre. Thanks Jean Paul for reminding me how to live. Perhaps I really am Homo Sapiens after all!

And that's Dick's View of the World this Week

Did you Know?
Don't lose faith  - but the 1998 Institute of Medicine reported that medical error is the leading cause of death in the United States. What about Canada?

1 comment:

  1. Very much enjoyed the Sartre quote! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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